How to use apple cider vinegar for dandruff

How to use apple cider vinegar for dandruff

apple cider vinegar on hair

Apple cider vinegar has many health and nutritional benefits because it contains a large amount of calcium, And potassium, which help strengthen bones, and protect them from vulnerability and weakness, Regulate blood pressure, remove excess water from the body, The benefits of apple cider vinegar do not stop at this point, but also include ensuring the balance between alkalinity and acidity of the body, And strengthen the hair, and protect it from falling, as it increases the gloss and intensity of hair

How to use apple cider vinegar for dandruff 

Apple cider vinegar diluted with water
Mix equal amount of water and apple cider vinegar,  Then put the mixture in a bottle of sprays and apply it to the head and scalp hair, Leave it for ten minutes, then wash it with shampoo, perfumed with wood oil.
Recipe for apple cider vinegar and baking soda
Take a quantity of baking powder so that it can cover the entire hair and mix it with an appropriate amount of water, Then apply the mixture on the scalp and we get it by circular movements so that penetrates and reaches the roots of hair, After a while we wash the hair well with lukewarm water.
Recipe of the apple cider vinegar and aromatherapy
We take a large spoon of the vinegar and filter them with four tablespoons of water and a few points of any type of aromatic oils such as Lavender oil, Or rosemary oil, then apply the mixture to the hair so that it covers the scalp completely.
The recipe for apple cider vinegar and olive oil
Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and combine them with 4 tablespoons of olive oil, Then apply the mixture on the scalp and leave it for a quarter of an hour, Then comb the hair with a fine-brushed comb and wash it thoroughly with water and shampoo.
Note: These recipes may not suit some kinds of hair, or sensitive heads, Or complainants of certain skin leather, so preferred a specialized consultation before use.

Apple cider vinegar health benefits 

  • Ethics on the head and fight itching, To contain it on anti-inflammatory vehicles, It also maintains the grass of the grid to the grid to acquire the nature of its acidic nature.
  • Granhes hair for gain and softness, Because his natural properties get rid of the sharps of shampoo and different hairdressing products, It also recovers the percentage of natural hydino in the head.
  • Kitches bacteria and fungus that cause harmony, It also stimulates the growth of hair fleshies in healthy to find it on many food items needed to strengthen the roots of hair and promote their growth, like potassium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin c.
  • Moisturizing hair dry as a result of hair dye. He spends on the lice and good people in the hair.


After using all these home remedies, If the dandruff does not subside, You should consult your dermatologist to find out the underlying causes and choose the right treatment.

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