Ear aches symptoms, causes and how to treat at home

Earaches and ear infections are common in infants, children and adults, which can be a very painful and troubling experience especially when we can not know why,  It is not always easy to detect signs of infection or earaches,
 But with a little knowledge you will understand why your child is suffering from earaches and what you can do to help him.

ear infection signs

Ear pain can occur because of an infection or injury,
Its symptoms are as follows:

pain in the ear.
 Hearing impairment.
 Leakage of fluid from the ear.

Children may have additional symptoms such as:

Difficult to respond to the sounds.
Difficulty sleep.
Loss of appetite.
Loss of balance.

Ear infection causes 

The most common cause of earache is bacterial or viral infection. For example, When your child gets cold, Bacteria can grow in the passages that connect the middle ear and nose.

As soon as these pathways are blocked, infections and otitis occur.  The accumulation of fluid inside the ear then presses the eardrum, Which leads to bulging and obstruction and become painful for your child.

Other causes of Ear aches

• The fluid collects inside the ear
• Ear obstruction with wax or other things
• Ear canal injury due to the use of cotton sticks or other objects

Show your child to a doctor if you are unable to find out what is causing his or her earache, or if you are concerned about hearing.

ear infection how to treat

 You can take  step steps at home to reduce ear pain including:

Place a cool towel on the ear.
 Avoid ear moisture.
 Sitting straight helps relieve pressure on the ear.
 Use ear drops.
 Chew gum to help relieve stress.
 Feed infants and children to help relieve stress.

Consult your doctor about ear pain

If you or your child have a persistent fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or more,
Look for medical care, and for your children seek medical help if the fever is more than 101 degrees Fahrenheit, And be aware that if you suffer from severe pain stops suddenly, It may be a sign of rupture of the eardrum.
Also pay attention to the following symptoms:

 Pain severe.
 Bad headache.
 Swelling around the ear.
 Facial muscles drooping.
 Blood or pus from the ear.

If the condition does not improve after 24 to 48 hours consult your doctor.

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