Health benefits of Chia seeds for weight loss

Chia seeds for weight loss

Chia seeds is one of the most popular plants and has wonderful nutritional properties. It form the basis of food for a large number of peoples in ancient civilizations, because it are a wonderful natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals ... Better yet, it helps to burn fat and is an excellent ally in fighting weight gain.

There have been many studies on this subject. More recently, several reports have highlighted the strength of this plant in weight loss, But be careful, as you should control the intake and careful not to eat more than a tablespoon of them, or 25 g, a day.

chia for weight loss

Shea seeds have excellent properties in speeding up the metabolism while at the same time helping to burn fat accumulated around the waist and on the abdomen.
It also contains a large amount of calcium, a mineral that enhances the digestion of fats eaten during the day.
Chia seeds in particular helps to flatten the abdomen.
Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids so they help to effectively eliminate cellulite and avoid premature aging.
Chia seeds is also anti-inflammatory.
Chia helps to reduce appetite if eaten regularly. It provides a feeling of fullness and thus avoids eating too much food.
Chia seeds is also excellent for regulating bowel function.
They contain a lot of fiber that helps treat intestinal laziness.
But do not forget that it is necessary to drink two liters of water a day.
Chia seeds help relieve anxiety because it is a very effective sedative recommended by nutritionists.

chia health benefits 

Chia seeds contain many nutrients that make them rich in interest. Here are some benefits:

According to a study, shea seeds are almost twice as high in antioxidant content that help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body.

Two tablespoons of Chia seeds contain 4.7 grams of protein, which is gluten-free. This makes them a high protein source and is especially ideal for people with gastrointestinal disorders or gluten intolerance.

Chia seeds do not contain many vitamins, but they are sources of calcium, so they support bone and dental health and support and regulate metabolism in the body.

How to eat chia seeds to lose weight?

The recommended dose is 25 g of shea per day.
To successfully lose weight by eating Shea seeds, you should persevere and eat them for at least a month.
Prepare two cups of water or a glass of fruit juice before the two main meals, Since you have to eat 25 grams of Chea daily maximum, put in each cup half chia pills, ie 12.5 g.
Since chia seeds contain soluble fibers and have high absorption capacity, You will notice that they disappear gradually in the water cup and the liquid will become thicker. Leave it for 30 minutes.
This reaction is due to the gel that forms its soluble fibers.
Chia seeds can be eaten with vegetable milk, yogurt, salad, fruit, sauce, soups, creams, vegetables, etc.
You can also buy a grind for making sweets.
Remember that it is necessary to drink two liters of water a day so that the chia has an effect.

Where can chia seeds be found?

Chia seeds are supposed to be found in supermarkets. But if you do not find them you can go to the health food stores or herbal stores. Buy good quality seeds, so read the packing date and choose the latest date.

As mentioned earlier, you can find chia seeds in the form of whole grain or ground, whatever you want to sprinkle it with salad or add it to sweets, you have many healthy options.

Side effects of chia seeds

Chia seeds are safe to use, but they can cause some side effects, including:

  • Chia seeds, like all other seeds, contain phytic acid, It is a plant compound that is associated with minerals, such as iron, zinc, and inhibits its absorption from foods.
  • Chia seeds can affect blood flow when consumed in very large amounts, due to the effect of omega-3 fats,Therefore, you should be careful to take large amounts of them when taking anticoagulants.
  • Can cause a host of side effects on the digestive system, To avoid this, drink plenty of water with the chia seeds, especially if you do not soak them with water before taking them.

The nutritional value of Chia seeds

Chia seeds contain a range of important nutrients such as proteins, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, In addition to its richness with several vitamins, such as: (B1, B2, B3, B9, C)  It also contains monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3, omega-6, amino acids, It contains an amount of carbohydrates, vegetable fiber and calories.

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