Home remedies for headache migraines

Home remedies for headache migraines

Migraine is one of the most prevalent
health problems when many people, Especially those who are exposed to problems of tension and irregularity of daily life, and has several reasons.

Although it is a common disease in most people, its severity varies among them to the maximum in some patients.

The biggest concern in patients with migraine headaches is that it can not be eliminated with regular analgesics.

Migraines symptoms 

There are several symptoms of migraines, namely:

  • a disturbance in the level of vision.
  • Low body strength, Be accompanied by nausea and vomiting
  • Increased sensitivity to stimuli, such as noise and light.
  • Feeling anxious, nervous and depressed.
  • frequent urination.
  • Lack of appetite or hunger.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Sensitivity to the scalp.
  • General fatigue in the body.
  • Increase sweating.

What causes migraines 

The cause of migraines is not known, but there are many triggers that contribute to the migraine attacks, These incentives include:

Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes associated with menstrual cycle may cause migraines.
Emotional changes: Some strong emotions and emotional changes such as stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma can trigger migraine attacks.
Physical causes: such as feeling tired, not sleeping long enough, or suffering from tight muscles in the shoulder or neck, Or hypoglycaemia may cause migraines.
Some medications: Some medications may help to stimulate migraines such as birth control pills containing estrogen, progesterone, and hormone replacement therapy.

Some foods may cause migraines, including:

- Hot Dog.

- Chocolate.

- Some types of cheese.

- Alcohol.

- Very cold foods such as ice cream.

- processed foods.

- Pickled foods.

- Beans.

- Dried fruits.

 - Cultured dairy products such as yogurt, sour cream, and yoghurt.

On the other hand, there are drinks that reduce migraine headaches such as a small amount of caffeine may relieve the pain caused by migraine in some people, But too much caffeine may cause migraines.

Migraine treatment at home 

Treatment of migraines with ginger

Ginger is known to relieve nausea caused by a number of diseases, Including migraines, and according to research, ginger powder reduced migraine intensity and duration without side effects.

Treatment of migraine headache with yoga 

Yoga is used by breathing quietly, meditating, Research shows that yoga may reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of migraines, It is also believed to improve anxiety and reduce tension in migraines, It also improves blood vessel health.

Although researchers conclude that it is too early to recommend yoga as a primary treatment for migraines, But they believe that yoga supports public health and may be useful as a complementary treatment.

Add magnesium to the food

Magnesium deficiency is associated with migraines, and studies show that magnesium oxide supplements help to prevent migraine also particularly related to hemorrhage.

Wear sun glasses

In some cases, a person may experience a migraine due to light sensitivity.

To avoid this, we recommend that you turn off the lights around you and wear sun glasses outside and indoors at times.

Get rid of stress

Tension and anxiety are the triggers of migraines, So getting rid of that would protect you from them.

Protect your sense of smell

Do you notice that some perfumes and odors cause you to have migraines?
To treat migraine headaches, we recommend you to inhaling mint or coffee beans,
 It can rid you of odors that irritate you and trigger headaches.

Increase heat

Often the incidence of migraines is caused by increased pressure on the sinuses, Hence treating this problem would save you from the migraines.
Try taking a hot bath or using a thermal source and put it on the nose and face area, It will help you feel very relaxed.

Stay away from your mobile device

Blue light contributes to the exacerbation of migraines, It is the light produced by portable and smart devices and even computers.

Try to determine the hours of use of these devices, and completely away from them in the event of a migraine attack began to appear.

Touch your hands

The area between the thumb and forefinger that is responsible for relieving pain and pressure, You can treat your migraines through this area.

Massage the affected area and disc until the headache pain is gone or until it softens.

Breathing deeply

If you have a severe headache, you have to breathe deeply until you try to get rid of it.

Take a deep breath and exhale for at least 10 minutes. It helps relax the body and increase blood flow, resulting in a headache remedy.

Keep away from noise and inconvenience

It is possible that a person will experience migraine as a result of light as mention of above and even noise and noise around him.

If you start a migraine attack, go to a quiet place immediately and put earplugs to isolate any sounds that may bother you.

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