How to remove dark spots by home remedies

Dark spots on skin

The appearance of dark spots on the skin is very annoying, And one of the problems that disturb the purity of his skin and fight the beauty and brilliance, These patches may be caused by excessive body production in the color of the skin, And this problem is in different parts of the body without the other, so it is good to know the causes of dark spots in the skin, In order to work to protect the body and skin from the problem posed.

Causes of dark spots in the skin

The problem of dark spots is one of the problems that are exposed to the skin, Especially when they appear in a specific area of ​​the body without other areas, The most common causes of dark spots in the skin are:

  • The dark spots appear in the places where the grains have been previously, such as the traces of the blisters of the face that have been tampered with and stir the area in different ways
  • Use harsh soap on the skin.
  • Use poor cosmetics.
  • Direct exposure to the sun without the use of protective creams.

Dark spots home remedies 

There are many pharmacies in ointments and creams that treat the dark spots in the skin, However, the rate of guaranteeing therapeutic outcomes is not that important, Although there are many natural recipes that work to remove and treat the dark spots of the skin, However, a good proportion of people prefer to use natural substances to get rid of the dark spots of the skin, So here are some home remedies for dark spots, including:

1- Fruit acids
Some types of fruit, such as orange or lemon, help eliminate dark spots, And this through the rubbing cut off from them or juice, these acids directly affect the process of inhibiting the production of colored material in the skin, The fruits also contain a high percentage of vitamin C, which contributes to the shine of the skin and beauty, and the production of collagen.

2- Hot honey
Honey is considered one of the best food items, Honey is heated to an acceptable temperature, and placed on the dark spots, Then rub it a little, leaves for twenty minutes, then wash with warm water, and after it with cold water, and this is a simple treatment can reduce the dark spots and remove them when continued use.

3- Honey and milk
Mix the sour milk with a little honey and put on dark spots to remove them, milk is characterized by the presence of some natural acids that resist pigmentation, and honey has properties that help renew skin cells.

4- Onions
The ability to get rid of freckles and pigmentation in the skin, so you can rub the dark spots by cutting onions or its juice twice a day, And continue it until the spots disappear gradually to be used after each other.

Tips to reduce the appearance of dark spots of the face

Some of the tips that should be followed to protect the skin from the dark spots that appear as a result of exposure to sunlight, including:

  • Use sunscreen continuously, where the skin needs to protect from the sun when exposed to the outside atmosphere, both in the summer, or in the winter, By wearing a sunscreen that has a protection rate of at least 15 degrees to protect the skin from dark spots.
  • Wear sun-protective clothing, you should protect your skin by avoiding exposure to the sun for a long time and standing in shaded areas, and wearing a hat and sunglasses to protect your skin from exposure to harmful UV rays.
  • Avoid contact with pimples on the skin. When you touch acne on the face, it leaves dark spots on the skin.